Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Me No Biker Boy

As I finally climb out of the remnants of my glorious infection, I find I'm seriously enjoying getting out again.  It's so good to be back!  Climbing, hiking, cycling, my life is so enriched by these activities.  I got out with a couple of young lads for a twenty miler in high winds.  We pushed pretty hard, so a good workout was had by all.  Recently, however, even my daily commute has been bike-free because on getting to the bus stop one day, I noticed not one but two broken spokes.  Not good.  I'm not adept at wheel work, so I had a friend drop off the wheel at the nearest bike shop--about 50 miles away, grrrrrrrr.  So for days I've been stuck using our truck, sometimes the car, to get back and forth to the bus.  I miss my daily dose of two wheels zipping down and cranking up our hills.  Still, there is always the morning walks with Django, the Wonder Dog.  These photos were taken during a recent morning's stroll.  I head out early, about 6AM, a big tank of hot coffee in hand and Django at my heals--or ahead--or behind depending on his mood and the stinks he wants to explore.  He's a smart boy, and we always go leash free--easy and safe in our low-traffic "hood."  The hush of the snow-covered landscape, the total transformation of familiar views, snow here is always a delight for us, and, unlike the brutal stuff in the northern parts of the country, ours never lasts long, "toy snow" I call it.  Still, it's great fun to watch Django roll around like a maniac, and he loves nothing more than a snowball right in the face.  So here are a few shots from my morning coffee walk with the hound.

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